The brussels sprouts on the other hand - those are a different story. When I was little, they'd make me gag and I once foolishly followed my sister's secret instructions to fill my mouth with them at the dinner table, go to the bathroom and flush them down the toilet so I wouldn't have to eat them. Brilliant plan except that my sister then went to the bathroom right after and asked Mom and Dad why there was lettuce floating in the toilet.
I've overcome my intolerance for the BS (pun intended). I LOVE them now, especially roasted. Here's a quick and easy way to make them.
1-1.5 lbs of steak tips
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup honey
2 cups of mushrooms, sliced (can use any kind, I actually use rehydrated shitakes which were great!)
1.5 cups of red wine
2 TB butter
Olive oil
1 sprig fresh rosemary
2 cloves garlic, sliced
Brussels Sprouts
1 bag of sprouts
2 TB olive oil
salt and pepper
1. Marinate the tips with the soy and honey all day.
2. Preheat the oven to 425 degree.
3. Trim the stems off the sprouts and cut them in half. Mix them with the olive oil and salt and pepper (sometimes I add a small sprinkle of cayenne and a few drops of maple syrup - mmmm!). Lay them face/cut side down on a baking sheet and throw in the oven for 20 minutes or so...until they get brown.
4. In the meantime, remove the tips from the marinade, reserving the marinade! Dry each tip using paper towel.
5. Heat a large skillet on medium-high and add a bit of olive oil and the butter.
6. When the butter's melted and the pan is good and hot, add the tips, rosemary and garlic. Cook until they are nice and brown on all sides, only moving/flipping once per side. Some may be weird shapes so try to get all sides without too much jostling.
7. Cook them for about 7 minutes (this will depend on their size). The bottom of the pan will start to have a thick brown film.
8. When done, remove the tips and place on a plate and cover with foil.
9. Add the mushrooms to the pan and sautee until just soft. Add the wine and half of the remaining marinade and scrape up everything from the bottom of the pan. Simmer until reduced by about half.
Serve the tips with the sauce on top and the sprouts on the side.