2 lbs ground pork
1/4 red wine vinegar
1 tbsp smoked paprika
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp cumin
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp dried oregano
2 ancho chiles, rehydrated and seeded (you can find these at most grocery stores, whole)
2 guajillo chiles, rehydrated and seeded (harder to find, sub 2 small chipotles in adobo)
1 tsp salt
olive oil
1. Put the chiles in a food processor and pulse until pretty fine. Add the rest of the ingredients and run the processor until everything is mixed together well.
2. That's it!!!! Heat some olive oil in a large pan and cook until done!
This is really good! Try it in a Mexican fried rice dish - cold rice, tomato, thin scrambled egg, a few beans, etc. Skitter around a hot skillet. Sprinkle with diced avecado and salsa on the side. Yum! Thanks for making the choriso so easy!